Thursday, July 13, 2017


The party date is approaching, and I HAVE GOT TO GET SOMETHING DONE!!  You know, like order the food(s), clean the house, wrap the gifts, figure out the decorations. In other words, I gotta get busy. So far, the "deep clean a room a day" plan has not worked out. However, the "sit around and do nothing" plan is moving along splendidly ...

So, today I shall order the cupcakes and the barbeque, start stuffing things in closets, finish the travel plates, and figure what else I need to make/purchase/plan. KB is really the brains behind this party, so I shall also check with her to see what else I might need to do. I shall also clean out the sunroom. With the trampoline no longer in residence, there's so much more to clean.

In other news, Everley seems to be doing great at camp, and having a good time. Still - sleep away camp at five? One of us is getting too old too fast!!

Blessings today include: photos from Everley's camp; cleaning the sunroom; getting all the suitcases unpacked; Steve's safe travel to Columbus; cupcakes ordered; barbeque ordered

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