Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Little Girls

Today I took Everley to school. Sometimes the best way to get out the door is to propose a stop at Krispey Kreme. As you can see, that was the case for today. And sometimes a KK hat needs to replace the adorable headband chose at home (which gets relegated to the table, hopefully not to be forgotten in the rush to get to school on time).

Anyhow, some days just go better when one starts with a chocolate doughnut covered in sprinkles.

And speaking of little girls, 30 years ago, another little girl made her way into this world. Molly Morgan Davidson was born. When the OB asked me for her name, and I told him Molly, his response was "Good Golly Miss Molly." And so it's been ever since!  Happy Birthday Molly!!
Today's blessings include: taking Everley to school with a stop at Krispey Kreme; Molly's birthday!

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