Sunday, May 10, 2015


To finish off the weekend, Katie, Molly, and I completed the Tinkerbell Half Marathon. Of course Katie and Molly finished well ahead of me, but considering my total lack of any kind of training in the past few months, I was just as happy to finish. Period! Anyhow, for finishing, I received my Tinkerbell Half Marathon medal AND my pink Coast to Coast medal (for doing the Princess Half Marathon plus this one) AND my Pixie Dust Challenge medal (for doing the 10K yesterday and the half marathon today). So, four medals for two races works out pretty well!!

Once we were both back at the hotel, Molly and I packed up and waited for our ride to LAX, where we had some lunch before our flight home.  All in all, a pretty fun weekend!!

Today is a gift because:  finishing the half-marathon and chatting with fellow woggers along the way; post-race snacks; chatting with fellow van-riders to the airport; safe plane ride home; Steve picking us up at the airport; sleeping in my own bed

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