Monday, May 18, 2015

Just Another Pint, Please!

Once again it was time for a Red Cross donation. And it was really pretty easy today. I checked in, skimmed the required reading materials (they haven't changed since the last time), passed the iron, temperature, and blood pressure checks, and answered the questionnaire on the computer (I haven't changed since the last time). There wasn't a wait, and the tech who was assigned to me was super good - no bruise afterward. We chatted a bit about cruising (always a good topic) and soon it was over. I stopped for a minute in the canteen to make sure the blood was flowing to my brain and left - not a bad way to spend the morning!

I am very blessed in the fact that I am able to donate blood. Many of my family and friends can't due to medications they are on or they don't weigh enough (I know - can you imagine?). I will probably never know where my donation goes, but I have faith that it will help someone in some way. And if it's this easy to help someone else, how can I say no?
Today is a gift because: giving blood and chatting with the sweet tech lady; getting ready to go out of town

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