Monday, May 25, 2015

And Then It Was Monday ...

I got in last night around 8pm after driving from Gatlinburg. While it wasn't late, I was pretty tired from our busy weekend, so I pretty much had a sandwich and headed to bed. Which I was happy to see after my "crunchy" bed this weekend (it was comfortable, just made a crunching sound everytime you moved).

Anyhow, since everyone else was out of town (either returning from Gatlinburg or Orlando) and Steve was headed out of town (California), today was a pretty quiet day.  I sorta managed to get my suitcase and dirty clothes into the house. I sorta did a few tasks that needed doing. I sorta got on the scales and decided that my Baby Ruth and Dr. Pepper weekend diet was probably not the best idea in the world.

In other words, just another Monday!!
Today is a gift because: the rest of the family getting to their homes safely; a nice, quiet Monday at home

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