Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Yup, I quit Weight Watchers. Again. Even though I had high hopes this time, it just didn't work out. Again.  So, in recognition of my being a quitter (again), I will now field questions from the audience:

1. Why did you quit?   Because I was not a good point person. The theory behind WW is that every piece of food has a point value. A person has a certain number of points per day. Once you are out of points, no more food for you! Sure, I could keep up with the points, but it's hard to get through the day when all your points are gone by 10am. Because (a) you can't add and subtract, or (b) you live in the world of point denial

2. But haven't you had success with WW?   Yup I did. So?  I also once weighed 120 pounds. What was ain't is no more.  Yeah, chew on that (or at least try to figure it out).

3. So now what's your plan?   To lose weight. By being smart. We'll see how that works out for me.

4. Any last remarks?   Nope. Just stay tuned. One day I'll announce my weight and we'll all rejoice. Because while I'm not so good counting points, I'm great at rejoicing!!!
Today is a gift because:  couple of slow miles in the 'hood

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