Monday, April 14, 2014

Maybe I Will Start Wearing Hats ...

When I get busy cleaning something at home, there's usually something that I don't have for the task and must make a Wal-Mart run.  Because I am in the middle of the task, I don't take the time to clean up and attempt to look presentable - I just grab my keys and purse, jump in the car, and get my stuff at Wal-Mart as quickly as possible.  Today was such a day. 

However, I am going to have to slow down these little trips, at least long enough to take a gander in the mirror.  Why?  Today, as I was unloading my purchases at home, I happened to look at my reflection in the windows of the car, most notably my hair, as it was sticking straight up on top of my head.  I'm sure it was a real treat for my fellow Wal-Mart shoppers - "Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers - Crazy Hair Lady in Aisle 9".  Oh well, at least I didn't see anybody I knew.  Or did someone see me and run the other way?
Today was a great day because:  finishing kitchen cleaning; airport run to take Steve and his safe travel to California; a little shopping; face-timing with Everley and Maribeth

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