Saturday, April 5, 2014

It's Saturday!!

Funny how Saturdays change as we get older.  When I was little, I loved Saturdays because cartoons were on all morning (I have a feeling my mother liked Saturdays for the same reason).  I (and sometimes a friend) would sit in front of the tv until noon.

As I got a little older, Saturdays were for having friends over.  My friend Kelli and I would go to "the store" (a little one-room building by our house that my father kept to sell food and sundries to the workers on our farm), get a snack and a Coke, and wait for the mailman to bring our mail.  Then we probably went in and watched cartoons. 

As a teenager, Saturdays usually meant one thing - sleeping.  Until noon, if possible.  There might have been a slumber part the night before, or maybe even a date after the football game.  But sleep was a wonderful thing to enjoy as late as possible (my mother probably wanted the same thing for me - considering I was a teenager with teenager moods).

Once I got married, Saturdays were for doing all the stuff around the house that I felt needed doing as a married person.  Things like cleaning, fixing up the dwelling of wherever we were living at the time, lawn work, etc.  Saturdays became work days.

Then, when the kids arrived, Saturdays meant survival.  Hopefully with cartoons and sleep (not mine, of course).  There was also the continuation of the work around the house.  So, Saturdays remained a work day - doubled.  And of course there were lots of soccer games, or picking up of sleepovers, or taking our sleepovers home.

Well, the kids left home and Saturdays sort of slacked off.  With no kids around the house, there wasn't as much to do.  And, because we were a two-income family, we could pay people to do the stuff that we no longer wanted to do.  Cartoon watching probably would have been fun, as well as sleeping late, but once the oldies were no longer on the air and your body clock says you need to go ahead and get up early, I just sort of got up and piddled around the house.

Now that I'm in the grandma stage, Saturdays are sort of back to play and clean.  Both which may or may not happen, depending on who's here and who's not.  Some Saturdays are busy with playing and napping and some aren't.  Some Saturdays are spent in a clean house and some aren't.  Some Saturdays I get stuff done, and some Saturdays are considered a success if I change out of my pjs.

I guess what I'm saying is that Saturdays, like most of life, change as our lives change.  While we may wish for the Saturdays that used to be, we may find that the Saturdays we have are the best ones.  Why?  Simply because we have them to enjoy.

Enjoy your Saturday, whatever it may be!!
Today is a great day because:  Lindley and Everley time; beautiful day for playground play

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