Monday, August 26, 2013


If I'm sitting around doing nothing, it must mean that I'm getting ready to go out of town.  And I have about a million things to do.  And the house is a wreck.  And I need to pack.  All of which are true.

On Thursday, Charity (family friend) and I are headed to Disneyland for the weekend (Molly is flying in from New Orleans where she is at a work conference).  After some weekend activities, we are headed to Vancouver on Sunday for the night where we will board a ship for a week headed to and from Alaska (I would tell you which cruise line, but that's too easy).  So I need to pack for a wide range of weather.  Hopefully in a carry-on suitcase.

I also need to do a lot of stuff around the house, like clean it and purchase toilet paper.  Guess I'll go watch a rerun of "Friends" ...
Today was great because:  I made two airport runs for Steve and Molly who had safe flights to their respective destinations (LA and NO); I found a pantry cabinet for Maribeth and they will deliver it with my dining table tomorrow; I spent time with Maribeth and Everley (which included bath time and bed time with one of them); I made our hotel ressies for the 3-Day walk; Sam came over with stickers for a project

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