Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Little Pitchers, Big Ears

Lindley has reached the age where she hears everything you say.  And usually has a question about what you said, or what she heard, or what she's thinking about it all.   For example, on our recent tram ride from the ship to the beach, the automated tram announcement was playing and ended with, "And remember, no smoking."  To which Lindley promptly asked, "What's smoking?"  To which Molly replied after thinking about/stumbling for an answer, "Something that you never want to do."

Clearly we've reached the point where spelling becomes necessary.  The only problems with that are, (1) I feel sometimes like I need pencil and paper to write down the spelling to get it straight, and (2) I have a feeling even our spelling time is limited before somebody figures out what we're talking about.

In other words, we need to watch what we are saying in front of little people with big ears - or at least big listening skills.

Which brings me to our lesson for tonight.  I began to think what would happen if everything that manages to come out of my mouth was heard by those I didn't want to hear it?  What if those mean judgmental words about someone were said so that someone could hear them?  And what if those people could spell (if I thought spelling mean things would be more noble)?  What would I do?

The answer of course, is to keep my mouth under control and not say things that I wouldn't want anybody to hear.  To stop saying anything that might hurt or dishonor someone and instead only say things that would honor and praise someone.  Wouldn't that be easier to manage than having to monitor the other stuff?  I think so - I just have to start working on it.  Come to think of it, maybe it's not the big ears I have to worry about - I just need to worry with my big mouth.
The Good Stuff From Today:  early morning walk down Belmont with KB; a few slow laps at the Y swimming pool; homemade strawberry jam from Bill Crocs

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