Wednesday, February 6, 2013

When Good Ideas Come

It's often just before you fall asleep.  And it's not that the ideas are necessarily that good - they're just good enough to get your brain going.  All of a sudden, all your brain pistons start firing and not only does your brain need to explore every aspect of the idea, but all of a sudden more ideas based on (or maybe not) the original idea start popping into your head until you begin to wonder if they are going to start trickling out your ears.  It would probably be an excellent idea to write some of these ideas down, but you're so tired that you couldn't, even if you could locate a pen and paper in the dark.

This great explosion of ideas wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't already 1am and you're tired and you want to go to sleep.  Which you eventually do, just before the sun comes up.  Which is also about the time that all those great ideas that were so earth-shattering now dissolve into oblivion, never to be remembered.

And you?  You're just happy if you remember how the coffee maker works ...
The Good Stuff From Today:  Everley time; errand running

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