Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How Clutter Multiplies

Not me, at least not yet ...
Today I had to go to the storage place to get some of Steve's golf clubs.  You know, the storage shed where I've been storing all the furniture that I needed to put somewhere while the upstairs remodel was going on.  After crawling over the chairs and boxes and heaving the golf bag with the desired clubs over the boxes and chairs, I became a little dismayed.  Why?  Because I kept seeing things that I had forgotten I had, and that might have to make their way back into my house.  It was daunting enough, until I went to the second, smaller storage unit, and observed more furniture that I had forgotten I had.  I locked both units and went home and ate a bag of pretzels and a bag of cookies and anything else I could put my hands on.  I think that's an example of clutter begetting clutter ...  All I know for sure is that I begetting a headache ...
The Good Stuff From Today:  more bathroom ideas; new countertops installed; picking up the Ogles from the airport; dinner at Maribeth, Mathieu, and Everley's; 2 miles with KB

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