Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween or Not ...

Not my favorite holiday.  Don't like the candy (because if I buy the cheap stuff, nobody comes to the door and I have it all left over, and end up eating it because I don't like waste).  Don't like the scary because I don't like scary.  Don't like having to go to the door to greet trick-or-treaters who are too old for candy-begging, yet I'm too afraid of them and what they might do to my house if I don't give them the good candy.  Don't like buying the good candy, because it might all be gone before the first trick or treater arrives. 

So, I shall buy medium candy and make Steve answer the door.  I will not watch the various scary movies on tv and watch Lifetime Movie Network.  In response to the holiday, I shall get a flu shot and give blood tomorrow.

Happy Halloween!!
The Good Stuff From Today:  getting caught up on stuff; Pei Wei with the family; L's trick or treat disinterest

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