Tuesday, October 30, 2012

And Then It Was Tuesday ...

It always seems to happen when I travel home on a Monday - I seem to lose a day, and by the time I get unpacked and caught up (relatively), it's Tuesday.  Only it feels like it should be Monday.

Anyhoo, between Sandy and the mess that is presently my house and the stuff that I need to do, I've been busy today.  I've unpacked, changed the sheets, hung pictures, shortened a bedspread, picked up Lindley at school, played with Lindley and Everley, surfed the 'net for Sandy news, fixed dinner (okay, so I got Maribeth to order pizza - at least I was in charge of dinner), and loaded the dishwasher.  Pretty typical daily things, especially if it's a Monday.

Except that it's Tuesday, and tomorrow is Wednesday, and the cats are about out of food and I have no candy for Halloween.

Guess I'd better start tomorrow's list.  It's Wednesday, right?
The Good Stuff From Today:  putting the heating mattress pad and flannel sheets on the bed; tile work in the bathroom progressing; homey-fying the upstairs; more shelves hung by Hughes; dinner with most of the family; picking up Lindley from school; Lindley and Everley time

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