Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Forward Yourself

I've been busy this week, catching up and yet still getting behind. I've been trying to get back in a routine, yet I'm still flying by the seat of my rather ample pants. I've been trying to get back to normal, only to find that normal is still way off yonder in the distance.

And now I have to change my stinkin' clocks forward an hour. I will lose an hour so that tomorrow I can be all confused about what time it is. It will be dark when I'm used to it being light, and it will still be light when it should be getting dark. Since lately I have been struggling to stay awake until 9pm, I will be totally confused when I go to bed at what seems like 7pm.

Eventually I will get used to the new schedule. I will relish all those extra hours of sunlight, be on a routine, and back to normal (whatever that means). At least until October, when I will gain an hour by falling back. Yippee!
Today's blessings: Walking 6 miles with my butt camp buds; Krogering with Molly; finding Steve's keys, my camera's SD card, and my Massage Envy appointment card; Steve's Bubba burgers for Davidson-Ogle dinner; Lindley's blinking; cruise docs in the mail; Minnie gets a name

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