Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Status Check

*My Common Cold - waning, but still present in the form of slightly hackier cough, more substantial runniness, and friskier sneezing. (Hey, you asked - oh, you didn't? Never mind.) A good night's sleep provided by sleep-helping drugs helped.

*Mom projects at Molly's - currently clear except for hanging the pink plastic thingy. Of course clearing that list involved several trips today to Home Depot to buy the new door lock, then to get new keys made, then to take back the lock with the new key stuck in it, then to return the packaging and other part of the lock that had the new key stuck in it so that Molly could sleep in safety.

*Grocery/Thanksgiving shopping - got a bag of sugar so that I don't have to rob Steve's coffee sugar stash for the iced tea and end up sending him to Molly's for the proverbial cup of sugar. I also got the turkey breast for Thanksgiving dinner, only to be reminded that Steve and Molly need to leave for the airport at 10:30 am. Turkey brunch?

*Jogging - hey, I've been sick with a nasty cold. So what if I am supposed to be doing the 5-Mile Boulevard Bolt on Thursday? I'm doing with Lindley at her pace. Since she can't walk yet, I think I'm good.

*Cleaning the house - just thought I'm inject some levity here.

That's about it for now.
Today's blessings: Helpful (and not-so-helpful) dudes at Home Depot; plumber dude at Molly's; leftover pizza and veggies; breakfast at the Pantry with my butt camp buds

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