Monday, September 20, 2010

And Night Turns Into Day

Just about the time the poison ivy itchiness goes away, something else tops the charts on my hate list. That thing would be insomnia, my nighttime nemesis.

Last night Mr. Somnia decided to pay me a visit. I went to bed on time, thinking I would sleep slap through until my butt camp alarm went off. Not so fast ...

I woke up around midnight, having had a couple of hours sleep. But that was it. I began tossing and turning and contemplating all the issues of the universe. Pretty soon my brain could not be turned off and I knew I was done for. So, I decided to go watch TV in the den (thank goodness for Law and Order - on somewhere every minute of the day). Midnight turned into one, which turned into two. Finally, the last hour I remember was three, which was minutes before my alarm went off at 5am. Needless to say, since Ike doesn't count napping as an aerobic activity, I skipped butt camp. Actually, I slept through butt camp.

The worst thing about a night with insomnia is the recovery period. At my age, it takes me a week, and I am still not caught up with my lack of sleep. It sucks. If there was any good thing about another sleepless night, it would be this - at least I wasn't scratching.
Today's blessings: training wog in the neighborhood; Molly's walls being primed; chatting with Jason about Molly's house; chatting with Scout at Target; picking up Lindley at Vandy day care

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