Thursday, May 20, 2010

Meeting Julie - Sort of - Maybe

Here's how it went: Yesterday I decided to read the morning paper. No reason - I rarely read it - but yesterday I decided to give it a go.

I was perusing one of the sections, when I saw the title of a short article: "JULIE ANDREWS AT DAVIS KIDD TO SIGN COPIES OF HER NEW BOOK." Well, it said something like that. And maybe it wasn't it all caps - that's just how my eyes read it.

Anyhow, the article went on to state that Julie was going to be signing her new children's book that day at 4:30 - and to get her to sign it, you had to buy the book and get a ticket. Sort of like Willy Wonka's golden ticket.

Let me digress a moment here. I have been a Julie Andrews fan since I was a little girl. In college I had scrapbooks about her. I bought her records, and still have "The World of Julie Andrews" LP in a frame. I sort of saw her in person a few years ago when the family went to NYC for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and she was the grand marshall - at least I think it was her on the float that I saw from 30 stories up because it was raining outside. To put it simply, I am, have always been, and will forever be, a Julie Andrews fan.

Anyhow, I knew I HAD to get the ticket. I immediately started for the car, only to be delayed by Maribeth, who wanted something. I assured her I would be back soon and left in my car, hoping to avoid the massive traffic jams that were sure to develop once everyone heard the Julie news.

As I drove to the bookstore, I imagined what it would be like to meet my life-long movie star idol. What would I say? What would I wear? Could I lose 60 pounds in 8 hours? Would I sound like a country bumpkin if I did say something - like, "Hallow, Miz Anders. I sho is pride to meetcha. I reely lak yore movin pitchurs." I alternated between fear and verclemption at the prospect of meeting JULIE ANDREWS.

I arrived at the mall, obviously ahead of all the slow newspaper readers. I strode into the bookstore and headed for the children's department, only to be told the JULIE ANDREWS book was up at the registers.

I scurried back to the registers, hoping there was at least one left. I found the stack, picked out my book, and proceeded to the checkout. Mellow Young Dude began to process my purchase. I had a $10 coupon from 2009 and hoped it was still valid. Mellow Dude said, "Yah, and like, when you bought this book, like you were supposed to get a ticket, but, like Miss Andrews had some family stuff, so like, she won't be here tonight. But she's hoping to come back this summer, so if you, like, sign this paper, we'll like, send you a ticket." I did - #27 - at least on this list.

So, I almost met JULIE ANDREWS. I may meet her this summer. At least I have time to lose those 60 pounds and think of something really smart to say.
Things that make today great: Julie Andrews book and possibility; Christian the remodeler dude and Barry the cabinet dude meeting; BSC with Lindley and Maribeth; giving blood at the Red Cross; Bubba burgers for dinner with Steve, Maribeth, Lynnette, and Ann

1 comment:

Actingchief said...

Please let us know if you finally meet her...I'm so sure I simply would die right in front of her and no words would come out from my mouth. I love her.