Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who's On Your Relay Team?

I am watching the speed skater relays of the Olympics. It's cool, because the way they work, the next person in the relay comes in front of the skater and the current skater gives him a push to get him going.

It caused me to think about the relay teams I might be on (no skates or Olympics involved). Who do I give a push to get going and who pushes me?

Maybe it's the ladies in boot camp, who are more fit but always have an encouraging word to say. They inspire me to do the same when there's someone I can encourage.

Maybe it's facebook friends who share memories and pictures to give me a happy thought to brighten an otherwise dreary moment. They inspire me to find my own pictures and share memories of when we were young and innocent.

Maybe it's family who step in to clean up or prepare a meal (and that includes takeout) or share an adventure. They inspire me to find new ways to sharing time and space for a laugh or a thrill or a moment.

Maybe it's that total stranger who let me cut in traffic, or the new friend on jury duty who shared lunch, or the fellow wogger in the race who chats up a mile with me. They encourage me to open myself up to those who cross my path.

Maybe life is like that - full of relay teams. Our job is to keep going until the next team member comes in and we encourage them and push them on. Then when we enter our shared experience, we get that push from behind and move ahead. Maybe if we realize that we're all on the same team, we won't find so many strangers on our path - we'll just see those relay team members on whom we depend to keep us going.
Things that make today great: Molly returning to boot camp; boot camp pals; grocery, Massage Envy, and Costco with Molly; Jeremiah at Massage Envy; Molly's chicken pasta pie with the family at Lindley's house

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