Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mother-In-Law Advice (Or Not)

While researching topics for today's blog, I came across these two insipid articles: What Your Mother-In-Law Won't Tell You - Part I and Part II. I think they're stupid because many of the things I haven't even thought about, much less keep secret and not tell Lynnette (I'm a single mother-in-law - no sons/law just yet) - especially Part I, Number 4 - trust me, I DO NOT CARE!!

Anyhow, all this non-talk of mothers-in-law has led me to my own list, hereby entitled:

Stuff This Mother-In-Law Won't Tell You -
Mainly Because She Can't Remember Any Of It!!
(So please write it down - because she won't remember it tomorrow either!)

1. I have no clue as to what a mother-in-law is supposed to do. But then, I really didn't have a clue as to what a mother is supposed to do, either. So, looks like we're all screwed on this one.

2. I make lots of mistakes. Every day. In everything I do. It will probably be easier for you to find your own coping mechanism than hope for change.

3. My goal is to make everyone happy in the entire world. I would also like to lose weight. I'm not so successful in either one, so let's go have a milkshake.

4. Cooking is not my best thing. Oh wait - if you haven't figured that one out by now, you must have a really good coping mechanism. Could you please share that with me?

5. I had a mother for 29 years and a mother-in-law for 29 years. I loved and resented and enjoyed each of them. In the end, (and after a bit of therapy), I realized that for better and for worse, they both were part of me becoming who I am today. Since I am happy with the me I am today, they both were a good thing.


emily g said...

Ever since Brittany and Jacob got engaged, I have felt like the one about the leading lady. It doesn't really hurt or make me angry, but it doesn't feel quite right either. I also feel like she takes my most innocent comments,perceives them wrong and then tells a few people. I'm trying so hard to be a good mother-in-law! You seem to have a great relationship with Lynnette--so, would you give me some lessons, PLEASE??

Luanne said...

Lesson #1: Have your son marry a really cool woman with a lot of understanding and patience

Lesson #2: Hey, I succeeded with Lesson #1, so I think I'll just leave it at that.

Lesson #3: For some real "how to be a good mother-in-law" maybe you should ask Lynnette!