Friday, April 3, 2009

Marathoning's Top Ten

Today as I walked 11 of Lynnette's 21 miles, we discussed the absurdity of training for a marathon (at least at my pace). We talked about the time involved and the resulting effect on the body (at least at my age and size). While we didn't come up with any stellar reasons for doing a marathon, I think maybe these are the top ten reasons I did them (which didn't really work anyhow):

1. PMS, menopause, too much liquor - whatever it was that warped my brain at the time I signed up for one.

2. Blingy medals - as if I was ever going to wear them anywhere except home from the finish line. I have yet to see one around some one's neck at church or a social function.

3. The belief that entering would help me lose weight - yeah, and so will the Belly Buster and Magic Fat-Eating pills that I see advertised on TV.

4. Envisioning me actually wear running shorts in a race - not on my tree trunk legs. That "riding up" sensation simply does not work for me.

5. Coupling a marathon with having fun in the host city - sure, if you don't figure in laying down to rest up 24 hours before the race and laying down to recover 24 hours after the race.

6. Running with a pace group - I have yet to find one I can keep up with - even the "balloon man" who is supposed to be the last runner, passed me up in the last marathon I finished.

7. Getting an "I Finished" shirt - like anybody cares except me. I don't think it would be effective wearing to a job interview.

8. Having a reason to visit a new city - yes, because that's the only reason to visit a city - never mind the monuments in Washington, D.C. or the landmarks in NYC, or the beach in Miami - let's just go for the marathon!

9. Wanting my picture running and wearing my race bib in the next year's marathon program - sorry, but the photographers are usually through taking pictures by the time I come through - in fact, they are back at the lab, processing the fast people's pictures.

10. Being known as a "marathoner" - okay, now we're talking!!

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