Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Table For One

Most of the reasons for my lack of progress with losing weight (and too much progress regaining it) are due to my horrible eating habits. I eat whatever seems like a good idea at the time, I eat on the run or in front of the television, I shovel the food in like a steam shovel - well, you get the idea.

Today at lunch I decided to try something different. Instead of grabbing something that seemed quick or mindless, I decided to do lunch the right way. I cooked a chicken breast accompanied by rice, beans, and broccoli. I used the everyday china with real utensils, and completed the place setting with a fancy napkin. I placed my lunch on my dining room table and sat down to eat. There was no television or even a book to keep me occupied. Instead I ate slowly, cut my food into small bites, and took my time. By the end of my meal, I was quite satisfied both physically and emotionally.

I wish I could say this was the bright light that will change my eating habits forever, and I am winging my way to losing all those extra pounds. But it's just a step in the right direction, taking the time to think about what I eat and why.

It's a great lesson to practice in all things - stopping to take the time to realize what I'm doing and all that it encompasses, and to relish the moment. But it's hard to do, especially when there's always something else to do. So I'll keep practicing. I'll try to stop and enjoy the experience rather than rush through it to the next thing. And maybe I'll gain something worth keeping - all those moments that I've missed along the way.

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