Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Way God Works

** Disclaimer Notice: This is yet another exhausting blog in Luanne's continuing attempt to lose weight on Weight Watchers. One can only wonder what she will blog about, should she ever actually accomplish her goal!**

I've already reported how God is with me in my Weight Watching. Just when I thought my WW days might be numbered, He shows His support yet again.

I skipped last week's weigh-in because, yet again, I had not adhered to plan and did not want to face the scale. Today I really didn't want to go for the exact same reasons, but felt compelled to nevertheless. I did have a "skip the scale" coupon, which I decided I would use. I also had several prepaid meeting coupons, and had decided to keep going until they were used up.

I arrive at the center, get my permanent record, and proceed to the weigh-in area, announcing before I barely hit the door, "I'M USING MY SKIP THE SCALE COUPON TODAY!" I may have announced it more than once. I also had to give two coupons since I missed last week. Scale Lady took all my paperwork and offered to go ahead and let me weigh but not record the reading (like THAT was going to happen). THEN she said, "They have these coupons on sale, if you want to get some more."

Isn't that just like God? Assuring me that this is the place I need to be by providing the opportunity to get more coupons, thus insuring my continued attendance. God is faithful - even at a Weight Watchers weigh-in!

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