Thursday, August 7, 2008

Unexpected Answers, But The Right Ones

Here's the latest installment in my weight loss saga. I normally go to Weight Watchers on Thursday morning. Last Thursday I knew my results would be depressing, so I chose to not go. Considering this week's two-hamburger incident, I was planning to also skip today's weigh-in and meeting. I had even started to convince myself that I could do this without going to the meetings - after all, I had been through WW twice before (with great success) and I knew everything I needed to know (even though going it alone has never been successful for me). I didn't want to get on my home scale this morning, even if it would cement my new plan.

As I am prone to do, I mentioned it in passing to God. I said, "Okay, if I'm supposed to stay with WW, then when I get on the scale, I will weigh the same as I did two weeks ago." I fully expected to have gained at least two hamburgers worth (and M&Ms, and chocolate ice cream, and, well, you get the idea).

I got on the scale, and there it was - the exact same weight. No gain, no loss, just the exact weight I had asked to see. Even I couldn't find an argument for that (especially after 3 more attempts to test out my answer). The fact is, I need Weight Watchers. I need to keep going to the meetings and weighing in. I will keep working to stay on program and lose the weight the same way it has worked for me before. Today I went and weighed in. Somewhere between home and the center, two-tenths of a pound crept in, but that's a dose of reality. I can, and will, do this.

It's great to know God is in this with me, to encourage and guide me whenever I need it. I know He will do that, if I am willing to talk to Him about it. He has the answers - not always the ones that I may think I want, but the ones I need.

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