Wednesday, August 6, 2008

They Also Smile Who Shovel Oopsies

This is a picture of a cast member at Walt Disney World. His job is to walk after the horses in the Pirate and Princess Parade, and "clean up" when nature rings up the horses and says "Now, please."

Does this man have the best job in the kingdom? Not so much. He gets to walk around carting a trash can filled with horse poop that he personally shoveled. He's probably hot from walking, smelling the smell of dookey, and watching the hind end of a horse for the next plop.

But look again at the man. He's waving to all the people watching the parade. He's not Aladdin, or Captain Jack, or Mickey. He's the horse pooper-scooper, doing his job and making the best of it.

We all have poop to scoop, be it ours or our responsibility. I just hope I do it with the attitude of this cast member. I hope I remember that it's not the scooped that matters, but the people I see along the way that make the task worthwhile.

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