Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just A Summer Rainy Day

I love rainy days like today. My yard and plants love the rain and I hear a whisper that fall is on the way. The seasons are preparing to change, and I'm ready for it.

You have to love summer, when the days are long and the sun is warm and you can't wait to be outside. But then the sun stays out longer and longer and roasts everything, and you end up sitting inside too much. Your grass gets stressed, your water bill gets stressed, and you get stressed. You begin to study the effects of global warming until ...

... a rainy day appears, a leaf turns yellow and falls to the ground. You begin to smell a change coming on. Soon more leaves turn those glorious colors of fall and slowly begin to fall. The days get a little shorter and the air begins to get cooler. This pattern progresses until you think, "If I have to rake one more leaf," until ...

... the night you have the first frost. The winter clothes come out and the fireplace come alive. You get our your soup recipes and try to get home from work before dark. You make predictions on the first snow, and when it happens, you go out and play. You hunker down in the cold and darkness until you wonder if global warming is real, until ...

...the first daffodil appears in the snow, a glimpse of color in the white and gray. The bare trees begin to bud, and one day your tree of sticks becomes a tree of leaves. Color appears in the trees and the ground begins to thaw. You sneeze from allergies more than colds, but you can't help it - you just have to be outside even though it's still a bit chilly. You go for walks in the evening, dreaming of the day when ...

... the swimming pool finally opens. You look forward to months of sitting by the pool, soaking up the Vitamin D (carefully slathered in SPF40). You cook burgers on the grill, sit on the porch until the evening news, and watch fireflies being caught by neighborhood kids. You wear shorts and bare feet and watch your plants grow until ...

... that rainy day when that first leaf turns yellow and falls to the ground.

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