Saturday, July 19, 2008

Top Ten Things My Family Can't Agree On

10. Sunday Brunch. This one likes the chosen spot, that one hates it, another has never been there. They hate/love the food/location/ambiance. One hates it because the other loves it. And yet we still attempt it every Sunday.

9. Any Family Story. They don't even have to have been born when the alleged incident took place - there will still be no agreement.

8. Who Had It The Easiest/Hardest. Somebody had to sleep in the car while the other one got a Ferrari at 15 (or so they believe). One had carte blanche to Toys R Us, while the others only had rocks and sticks to play with. Life was tough - for me anyway.

7. Whose Idea Was It. If it was a good idea - they all will try to claim it. If it was a bad idea - Mom made them do it!

6. Whose Cat Was Whitey? The cat has been dead for decades, but it doesn't matter. They once argued for an hour and no one even had a picture of the poor cat, may it rest in peace.

5. What Should We Get Mom For Her Birthday? I assume this must be one big argument-fest, because some years it prevents them from actual action on this subject!

4. Will The Couch Fit Through The Door/Up The Stairs/In The Van? Actually, as long as we have a hammer, screwdrivers, and a saw, we're good.

3. Tonight's Dress Code Is: A typical dinner outfit list worn by my group: wood-patter skirt or 10 times too big MTSU pants, Daisy Duke shorts and 4 t-shirts, dress clothes, and swim trunks. And yes, they all wore them to the same restaurant.

2. Who's turn is it to feed Shaggy the Cat? Well, there would be an argument, but as soon as I put the words "feed" and "Shaggy", everyone evaporated.

1. Who's Mom's Favorite? They think they know, but only Mom does - and she's not telling!

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