Friday, May 9, 2008

The Socks Stories - Part I

These are the five orphan socks that have been residing in my laundry room, waiting for their mates to join them. Since today is Lost Sock Memorial Day, I had resolved to do something with them.

I started with the obvious, since three out of the five belonged to Maribeth. I had a suspicion that I might find the matches to Grey, Santa, and White Heels. I went in search in the great abyss known as MB's bedroom, and found pay dirt. Grey Mate and Santa Mate were found, and happily united with their counterparts.

While White Heel, Grey Heel, and Blackie are still without their matches, their stories will have to wait until tomorrow. Today is about found things.

I have been looking for a particular pair of earrings for about a week since my return from Disney. I have a habit of taking my earrings off and putting them in the nearest "safe" spot (nightstand drawer, bobby pin holder, soap dish, occasionally in the jewelry box - you get the picture). I could not find this particular pair of earrings in any of my usual keeping spots. I have been looking everywhere, but no earrings.

I prayed that God would help me find the earrings. I looked and relooked in my favorite spots several times with no luck. After finding the sock mates today, I decided to look one last time and I found them - in the jewelry box, in the very place I KNOW I have looked several times this week.

So what's the lesson of this story? Seek, and ye shall find? Put everything back in its rightful place? Maybe, but I think it's more.

Today I found things because I kept looking for them. Even though I had just about given up, I looked again, and found what I was searching for. Today's socks story is about starting, continuing, and persevering when you have a goal. It's about not giving up, but praying and believing that you will reach that goal. It's about doing it for somebody else as well as yourself.

Today's socks story is about not giving up. I should know - I have the socks and earrings to prove it.

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