Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Too Much Information?

I don't like surprises. I especially don't like scary surprises, like the one that Matt the Landscaper told me about today. He was showing me what his team had accomplished, then happen to mention that they had found a 3-4 foot snake in one of the front flower beds. He also said that he thought it was a copperhead. These were not comforting words to me. The word "snake" is bad enough, but to further identify it in such threatening terms was certainly not helpful.

So, the question remains - was I better not knowing in the first place? Was this information too much information?

There was little chance of my working in the flower beds, but it is a possibility - or should I say was. Now I have to consider that maybe the snake will get tired of the shade and want to work on its tan on my front sidewalk. Maybe it will want to tour the inside of my house and sit by my back door. Maybe it will decide to become people-nivorous and bite me, thus ending my illustrious half-marathoning career. Maybe it will invite all its snake friends to my house and this will become snake heaven.

So, maybe it is good that I know about this group of snakes (because as Matt said, "We didn't get a chance to kill it. It probably was a baby and went back down in its hole, but you know if it's a baby,there's bound to be a mama and daddy somewhere. Thanks, Matt). Maybe it's good information because now I will become a educated predator with the goal of murdering this family via snake deterrent (whatever that is - Matt said I could get some at the store - I guess the Snake Deterrent Store).

Therefore, tomorrow I shall be at Home Depot learning all about snakes and how to deter them from my yard, but the question remains - when is information too much information?

I don't know, but this bit of information I would appreciate knowing - how will I know when the snake and its family and friends are gone?


Anonymous said...

A 3-4 foot BABY?! Oh my!

Marilyn said...

too much informtion for your future guests! I will bring a snake bit kit.